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La politique QSE




As part of a process of continuous improvement for our customers and employees, CMA SA is committed to a Quality, Safety and Environmental Management System (QSEMS) in order to meet the criteria of the international ISO standards (international organisation for standardisation).




  • To ensure the safety of users of the ski area (ski lifts, ski runs and itineraries);
  • Carry out and document in an exhaustive manner the regulatory controls on the ski lifts;
  • To guarantee the punctuality of the opening and closing of the ski lifts in the ski area;
  • To guarantee the availability of the ski lifts in the ski area through preventive actions aimed at limiting technical breakdowns and operating stoppages;
  • At the level of the loading and unloading of ski lifts, to be at the service of the users to inform them and assist them according to the needs;
  • Guarantee, depending on the weather conditions, the opening of all the ski runs and itineraries of the ski area;
  • To guarantee the visibility of the slope service in the ski area in order to raise awareness, provide information and advice to the clientele;
  • To adapt the width of the slopes to the number of visitors;
  • Guarantee transparency of prices and information to our customers within the framework of the dynamic price policy dynamic.




  • According to the LAA/UVG, art. 82, the employer is obliged to take all measures to prevent occupational accidents and illnesses which experience has shown to be necessary, which the state of the art allows to be applied and which are appropriate to the given conditions.
  • The employer shall involve the workers in measures to prevent occupational accidents and diseases.
  • illnesses.
  • Workers shall assist the employer in the application of the provisions on the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. In particular, they must use personal protective equipment and safety devices correctly and refrain from removing or modifying them without the employer's permission;
  • Comply with the Suva Safety Charter as committed by the employer (http://www.charte-




  • Reduce the volume of our waste by seeking new sources of recycling;
  • Adopt a "Zero paper" and "Zero plastic" organisation;


To this end, CMA SA is committed to widely disseminating and explaining this policy.


Sono un dipendente di CMA e mi impegno a:

  • accogliere col sorriso ogni persona che incontro,
  • esprimermi con cortesia in tutte le circostanze,
  • prestare attenzione ai nostri clienti,
  • anticipare le loro necessità e ringraziarli ogni giorno per la loro presenza,
  • comunicare in modo positivo e cercare soluzioni costruttive per ogni sfida,
  • voler capire e interessarmi a scoprire sempre più informazioni,
  • sostenere gli interessi legittimi del mio datore di lavoro perché sono solidale con la mia azienda.

Sono fiero di essere nel cuore di CMA, CMA è nel mio cuore.